Friday 6 December 2013

Question of the Month

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What does Christmas mean to you?


  1. I love Christmas because it reminds me to be peaceful and be filled with joy!

  2. I look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, with all my family together at home. We like playing board games and drinking hot chocolate.

  3. I love decorating the Christmas tree because we put on the special ornaments that my mom has saved since we were little. It is a time of memories.

  4. Christmas means I get to celebrate Jesus' birthday and I like it when Jesus was born.

  5. that it is Jesus's birthday and Jesus is very very special.

  6. Michael Jeremy Csaba13 December 2013 at 17:18

    Christmas is special because it is Jesus' birthday It reminds me to be kind and have joy in my life.

  7. Christmas means to my family and me that we get to celebrate Jesus' birthday!!!He brings us hope and eternal life when we love Him with are whole heart.

  8. It fills my heart with joy!

  9. That Jesus was born

  10. It fills my heat with peace Hope Love and Joy

  11. Christmas means to me it's the time to love one-another and celibrate Jesus' birth

  12. what christmas means to me is when you go to church. celabrating the birth of our savuior jesus christ.mostly thought spending time with family and freinds. merry christmas and a happy new year mrs.bashforth and class

  13. Christmas means to me is celabrating birth of Jesus.Mostly spending time with my family and firends.

  14. Christmas means to me that I get to spend time with everyone I know and love.

  15. Christmas means to me I get to spend time with my family and friends and I get to bake cookies on Christmas Eve. The real thing that Christmas means to me is Jesus Christ our savior is born!!!!

  16. Christmas means to me that I get to spend time with my family and it is Jesus's birthday and it is special to me and it is fun to open my presents and Christmas is fun !!!

  17. That Jesus' birthday is coming

  18. Christmas means to me is that Jesus is the son of God

  19. Christmas means to me is that Jesus Loves me and my family and friends and the world

  20. We get to open our presents at Christmas, and we get to celebrate Jesus's birthday, and have lots and lots of fun!!!

  21. It is awesome!!!!!

  22. To fill my heart with pease love joy and hope.
